Dr. Shailesh Jain has experience of more than 8 years in Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery. He has very wide experience of Beating Heart Surgery and Minimally Invasive heart Surgery. He ahs worked with pioneers like Dr Bhattacharya, Dr Naresh Trehan, Dr Ganesh Mani, Dr Yugal Mishra, Dr Jagdish Prasad. Beside expertise in field of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery he has great humanitarian touch with his patient.

Field of Expertise
Minimally invasive heart surgery (Bypass Surgery, Valve replacement Congenital Heart Surgery)

All type of Vascular surgery including Peripheral Bypass,Embolectomy, Trauma repair, Surgery for Burgers Disease, Carotid Surgery, Aneurysm Surgery, Varicose Vein, Thoracic Surgery including lobectomy, Pneumectomy, Decortication, Cervical rib resection.

Achivement :
Recipient of EACTS (European Association of Cardiothoracic Surgeons) Scholarship to attend course At European School of Cardiothoracic Surgery at Bregamo, Italy
Recipient of Prestigious BBRAUN Germany Scholarship in Cardiac Surgery (Among Top four Student of Cardiac Surgery in India)
Recipient of I.C.M.R. (Indian Medical Council Research) Scholarship.
Recipient of Dr G C Sharma Gold Medal for Best paper presentation
Member of Editorial Board of Index Journal Antisepeptic
Authored 26 Publication in Indexed Journal.
Chaird many session in National and International Conference
Recipient of Faridabad Gaurav Award
First to perform MINIMALLY INVASIVE ASD (Hole in Heart) closure in Faridabad
Elected for IACTS Executive Committee Member.
Academic Qualification :
School/college Year of passing Course/exam. passed University/board
Happy Sr Higher Sec. School, Alwar 17 Aug 1989 Secondary {Among top 100 student in Rajasthan} Rajasthan
SMS Medical College & Associated Hospital,Jaipur 19 March 1997 Internship Completed in 19.031998 MBBS {Aggregate 60%} Rajasthan
JLN Medical College & Associated Hospital, Ajmer Raj. April 2002 Master of Surgery Rajasthan University, India
B J Medical College & Sassoon Hospital, Pune 2005 MCh Cardivascular & Thoracic Surgery Pune University
Awards :
Recipient of EACTS (European Association of Cardiothoracic Surgeons) Scholarship to attend course At European School of Cardiothoracic Surgery at Bregamo, Italy
Recipient of Prestigious BBRAUN Germany Scholarship in Cardiac Surgery (Among Top four Student of Cardiac Surgery in India)
Recipient of I.C.M.R. (Indian Medical Council Research) Scholarship.
Recipient of Dr G C Sharma Gold Medal for Best paper presentation
Among Top 100 students in Secondary School exam in whole state
Best student award
2nd Rank in District level Science Fair
Details of Education & Training :
Job Title Department Employer Duration
Lecturer YPSMH Medical College, Alwar Rajasthan Principal, YPSMH Medical College, Alwar Rajasthan 20.03.1998 to 25.11.1998
Intern SMS Medical College, Jaipur, Rajasthan Principal, SMS Medical College, Jaipur, Rjasthan 20.03.1997 to 19.031998
Resident JLN Medical College, Ajmer Rajasthan Principal, JLN Medical College, Ajmer, Rajasthan 27.11.98 to 24.12.2001 Exam in Feb. Result in April 2002
Sr. Resident Malhotra Heart Hospital, New Delhi Malhotra Heart Hospital, New Delhi April 2002 to March 2003
Sr. Resident Dept. of CVTS
B J Medical College & Sassoon Hospital, Pune
Dean B J Medical College & Sassoon Hospital, Pune April 2003 to July 2005
Lecturer Dept. of CVTS
B J Medical College & Sassoon Hospital, Pune
Dean B J Medical College & Sassoon Hospital, Pune August 2005 to March 2006
Consultant Escort Heart Institute & Research Center Executive Director New Delhi March 2006 to 26TH Dec 2008
Chief Cardiovascular & Thoracic Surgeon MoolChand Medicity Executive Director New Delhi 27th Dec 2008 onwards
Chief Cardiovascular & Thoracic Surgeon Sarvodya Hospital Faridabad, Paras Hospital, Gurgaon

Executive Director

1st May 2009 onwards

Chief Consultant Northern Railway Hospital Delhi Executive Director New Delhi 27th Dec 2008 onwards
Details of Education & Training :
Lecturer at YPSMH Medical College
• I worked as a Lecturer and my duty was to take lectures of 1st and 3rd year student.
• I had taught them Anatomy, Physiology, Medicine & Surgery.
House officer: - (Intern)
• I worked as an intern in department of medicine, surgery, obstetrics & gynaecology and allied branches at SMS Medical College & Associated Hospital, Jaipur Rajasthan.
• My work involved attending outpatient clinics, ward rounds and emergencies in casualty department
• Here I learned basic skills like intravenous cannulation, urinary catheterization, endotracheal intubation, pleural tapping, conducting labour and handling common emergencies effectively.
Resident General Surgery
• During this time I registered as MS candidate at JLN Medical College, Ajmer, Rajasthan (1500 beds tertiary apex care center in Rajasthan, under ministry of health, Rajasthan, India.
• I worked as postgraduate resident under the supervision of consultants. I learned basic skills in General Surgery like intravenous cannulation, RT insertion, and routine pre- operative and risk assessment; maintain co-ordination between juniors and seniors members of faculty.
• Had experience in all type of surgery like Cardiac Surgery, Vascular Surgery, GI Surgery, Urology, Neuro surgery, Pediatric Surgery, Breast Surgery, Thyroid Surgery & Laproscopy
• I did independent emergency duties during second and third year. My work consisted of preoperative assessment, intraoperative management, postoperative care, ventilatory care of critically ill etc. Here I had opportunity to take tutorials for undergraduate students & nursing Student.
Sr. Resident Malhotra Heart Hospital New Delhi India
• Since my admission in MS my goal is to be Cardiothoracic surgeon so immediately after MS I joined Malhotra Heart Hospital New Delhi as Sr Resident.
• Main work at this center is adult cardiac surgery (40-45 cases per month) I learned basic skill of harvesting Great Sephanous Vein & Radial Artery in first two month. Then I did independent harvesting of Great Sephanous Vein & Radial Artery (143 cases of Vein & 34 cases of Radial artery)
• All CABG were done on pump with LIMA, Vein as 1st line conduit
• I learned basic skill of going on CPB & coming of CPB.
• I did independent 10-12 night duty per month for managing post op care of Patient
• After working for about one year I got selected in MCh (Cardiovascular & Thoracic Surgery) at B J Medical College Puna (Among top 10 medical college of India @ Source India Today)
Sr. Resident B J Medical College for MCh Course
• We are performing 450 cases per year at Dept of CVTS B J Medical College.
• I got the opportunity of opening & closing the chest and Sternotomy in 1st year. I also started harvesting great sephanous vein after 3 month of joining (Total approx 456 cases)
• In 2nd year I started going on CPB and coming of CPB and deairing procedure. I performed ligation of Patent Ductus Arteriosus (7 cases) and Closed Mitral Valvotomy (3 cases). I started harvesting Radial Artery independently (56 cases).
• In 3rd year I performed 13 Atrial Septal Defect, 4 assisted by guide & rest independently, 4 cases of Mitral valve replacement all assisted by Guide.
• I did independent emergency duty during 2nd & 3rd year. Our main work was treating vascular trauma, Acute arterial occlusion. I performed 38 Embolectomy 13 Interpoistion graft, 4 end to end anastomosis, 2 Axilloaxillary Bypass and one Femorofemoral Bypass independently
Lecturer Dept of CVTS B J medical College Pune
• I did 5 ASD, 3 MVR, 9 LIMA harvesting, Superior Mesenteric Artery Aneurysm independently after joining as lecturer
• I was taking two classes per week of MCh course student

Consultant at Escorts Heart Institute and Research Center, New Delhi, India
• I am presently working in the position of junior consultant, cardiac surgeon at Escorts Heart Institute and Research Center, New Delhi, India. EHIRC is a premier institute of Asia doing 5500 Cardiac Surgeries every year. Our institute does the largest number of beating heart surgeries in the world. I specialize in doing beating heart surgery. These include OPCAB's, C-CAB's, Valve replacements, vascular surgeries and few thoracic surgeries.
• From March 2006 to Dec 2006 I was posted in operation theatre where we are doing total OPCAB work including total arterial (ART TRIAL of Dr David Taggart), Heart port replacement of Mitral valve, Tricuspid repair and ASD closure,Minimally invasive Bypass surgery and Robotic surgery. I am very confident about establishing femoro femoral Bypass, harvesting arterial conduit, doing proximal anastomosis, Port insertion for Robotic surgery independently.
• From Jan 2007 to March 2007 I was posted at brach of Escorts Heart Hospital, Amritsar. I was totally responsible for pre operative and post operative care. I have got the chance to do few Distal anastomosis specially of Diagonal.
• I am only assistant Dr Yugal Mishra for Robotic Heart Surgery and Heart Port Surgery
• Since April 2007 I am working in same OT.
• I have also been entrusted with responsibility to supervise postoperative recovery room, postoperative wards & out patients department. I am also involved in preoperative evaluation and preparation of patient for surgery.

Chief Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgeon at MoolChand Medicity, New Delhi & Sarvodya Hospital Faridabad India
• I am presently working in the position of Chief consultant, cardiothoracic & Vascular surgeon at MoolChand Medicity, New Delhi & Sarvodya Hospital Faridabad India. I am performing independent Cardiac, Thracioc and Vascular Surgery.
• I am doing 100%off pump Beating Heart Surgery (70% cases no blood transfusion), Single,Double Valve replacement, Cancer Surgery, Congenital Heart Surgery, All type of Peripheral Bypass, Embolectomy, Decortication, Lobectomy and Pneumectomy
• We have started Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery including Bypass Surgery, Valve Replacement and Congenital Heart Surgery.
Consultant at Northern Railway Hospital Delhi, India
• I am doing around 14 AV Fistula operation per month, 5 Vascular Surgery cases per month and few thoracic Surgery cases..
Dissertation (For MS) :
Paper Presented :
Speaker WCCPGC 09, Delhi Topic is Bioprosthetic Valve better than Mehanical Valve
International Conference :
International Society of CT surgeons
13th world congress San Diego, California
1-5 Nov. 2003 ( Accepted)
Sinus of Valsalva arises from noncoronary cusp ruptures in Rt. Ventricle
American College of Surgeons
Chapter,Delhi 17- 18 March 2001
Early experience in using Telemedicine for India Surgical Consultation
National Conference :
ASICON 26 – 30 Dec1999
1. Use of the quadruple test in the accurate diagnosis of Breast Cancer.
2. The Pattern of malignancy in Surgery Unit 2 at J L N Medical College, Ajmer, Rajasthan
ASICON 27 – 30 Dec. 2000
1. Cholelithiasis 5F rule need rectification
2. Obstructive Jaundice
3. Health information and interaction on Internet. A survey of Urinary incontinence
4. Spontaneous rupture of Liver abscess in to GI tract
5. A survey on Telemedicine
State Conference :
Efficacy of tramadol and Ondensteon in postoperative nausea and vomiting
RAJASICON 24 –25 Nov 2001
1. Internet and Surgery: A critical Analysis at available resources
2. Surgical Intervention in Pseudocyst of Pancreas
Zonal Meet JLNMC Ajmer
10 April 2001
Early experience of Telemedicine for Surgical Consultation
Skin Conference 8 -9 Jan 2001
Accidental wound with house of maggots - A rare entity
Annual Conference of Res. Soc. Of BJMC & Sassoon Hospital 9 Nov. 2003
Sinus of Valsalva arises from noncoronary cusp ruptures in Rt. Ventricle
IACTS 17 - 20 Feb 2005 KOCHI IACTS Jaipur
1.Tranexamic acid in reducing Post op Bleeding
2. Heart port Sinus venosus ASD Closure
National GI Conference
Obstructive Jaundice: A study of 50 cases
Paper Published :
1. Appendicitis caused by foreign body
         (The Antiseptic July 2000)

2. Role of Enterobius Vermicularis in acute appendicitis
         (The Antiseptic Feb. 2000)

3. Rectal carcinoma with Sister Mary Joseph Nodule
         (The Indian Practitioner)

4.Letter to Editor: Stone around foreign body in urinary bladder
         (SDMH, Jaipur Sept. 2000)

5. Posterior enterocutaneous fistula : A rare presentation of Crohn’s disease
(The Antiseptic Aug 2000)

6. An unusual presentation of a foreign body in the urinary bladder
         (The Indian Pactitioner Dec 2000)

7. Unusual in Breast pathology : Bilateral Paget’s disease of the breast
         (The Antiseptic Jan 2001)

8. A self inflicted multiplayer foreign body in the Urinary bladder : An unusual presentation
         (Journal of Medical Sciences Jan 2001)

9. A unusually large multiple Urethral stones
         (The Antiseptic)


10. Cardiac Disease in Pregnancy

11. Approch to pain management

Training & Workshop :
1. Ethicon suture technique during MS training

2. Ethicon Wet lab at Mumbai

3. Coronary Wet lab at IACTS 17 – 20 Feb 2005 KOCHI.
Social Activities :
1. Runs a Society Help Help Health care Society which run “Arogydham” Quality and cheap heart care. We have organized 22 Heart Check up camps at different location of India in which facility of free ECG, ECHO and blood Sugar is provided. Visit www.arogyadham.org. We have sponsored 2 patient for open heart surgery and 26 patient for Angiography.
2. Pulse Polio Immunization, 1995-1999.
3. Organised and Conducted Hepatitis B vaccination camps
Computing Skills :
Proficient in data handling, computers especially Datasheets, Power point & Word; also use Internet for accessing Medical literature and communication.
Hobbies :
Traveling, Listening to music, Cooking and playing sports.